WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL AND OFTEN HECTIC WORLD OF MULTIPLES! Whether you are expecting multiples, have newborn infants, or older twins, we feel our Club has much to offer. We know all too well how busy you are but we sincerely hope you will consider joining us. The club is a network of mothers who share information, concerns, advice, and friendship. We have numerous meetings and activities throughout the year. Westside Suburban Mothers of Twins Club was founded in 1969. The founder felt that there was a need for mothers of twins to get together for emotional support and to exchange ideas as related to the raising of multiple birth children. We are very proud to say that our founder is still a very active member of our organization. She continues to share her insights and vast knowledge with all of us. We are a diversified group. We are working moms, stay-at-home moms and moms who run our own businesses. Some of us are married, single or divorced. Chances are, we are a lot like you! Our group meets once per month during the months of September through June. Meeting night is usually on the first Thursday of the month. Our meetings generally last 2-3 hours. Meeting nights are intended to be a much needed "night out" for all our moms. Because of this, we generally discourage moms from bringing their babies. However, if an emergency arises where you have to make a choice between bringing your babies or staying home and missing the meeting, bring your babies! You will certainly find plenty of open arms to hold and enjoy your little ones! Some of the things we do at our meetings are to have speakers that discuss issues of interest to women in general as well as topics pertaining to multiples, we do a craft once or twice per year, we have dinner meetings 3 times per year, and we are always ready and willing to share our ideas and experiences on raising multiples or any other aspect of our lives We sincerely hope you will join us at a meeting and discover for yourself what the Westside Suburban Mothers of Twins Club is all about. We are here to help you answer any questions or concerns you may have about raising your multiples. Please don't hesitate to contact us! Westside Suburban
MOTC is a member of the New
York State Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs and the National
Organization of Mothers of Twins Club Inc. |